7 Oct, 2023 · Congress and Exhibition of the Bay of Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Brieuc Congress and Exhibition of the Bay of Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Brieuc
Hugues Aufray
17 concerts
+33 2 96 01 53 53
Rue Pierre de Coubertin, 22099 Saint-Brieuc, France
6 Avr · Dim, 16:00
Congress and Exhibition of the Bay of Saint-Brieuc - Saint-Brieuc, France
10 Avr · Jeu, 20:00
13 Mars · Jeu, 20:30
BONJOUR MINUIT - Saint-Brieuc, France
5 Avr · Sam, 20:30
1 concert
3 concerts
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