1 upcoming concert
Genre: Pop, Folk
Want to see a Carolina Wallin Pérez concert? 1 concert is scheduled in Sweden. Find all details for upcoming events, including tour dates, pricing, and show info in our listings. Grab Carolina Wallin Pérez tickets now!
Carolina Wallin Pérez, born in Sweden, gained fame with her 2009 album Pärlor och Svin, featuring acoustic jazz versions of Kent songs. She tours with Kent and is a talented songwriter. Her album Där Vi En Gång Var includes a duet with Linnea Henriksson and was co-produced with Fredrik Okazaki Bergström. Her 2018 album Innan Jag Dör Vill Jag Leva Igen features production by Anton Toorell.
1 concerts
1 concert
3 concerts
10 concerts
5 concerts
8 concerts
7 concerts
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