Dirt Buyer

Dirt Buyer Gira 2024

1 próximos concierto

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Dirt Buyer
Dirt Buyer
No te pierdas ningún concierto de Dirt Buyer. Regístrate en Concerts50 para seguir al artista y recibir notificaciones cuando se anuncien nuevas giras y conciertos cerca de ti.

Próximos Conciertos (1)

Vie, 7:00 PM
7 Jun
Cannery Hall - Nashville, TN
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Género: Rock, Pop

Acerca de Dirt Buyer

Joe Sutkowski, a New Jersey native and "emo kid" based in Brooklyn, leads Dirt Buyer. Inspired by My Chemical Romance & Muse, their debut album was recorded on an iPhone. Their new album, Dirt Buyer II, delves into heavier themes with a richer, trio-based sound. Known for earnest, nuanced music.

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