The Gaslamp Killer

The Gaslamp Killer Gira 2024

1 próximos concierto

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The Gaslamp Killer
The Gaslamp Killer
No te pierdas ningún concierto de The Gaslamp Killer. Regístrate en Concerts50 para seguir al artista y recibir notificaciones cuando se anuncien nuevas giras y conciertos cerca de ti.

Próximos Conciertos (1)

Jue, 9:30 PM
6 Jun
The Moroccan Lounge - Los Angeles, CA
Ticketmaster · $30
Si compras boletos para The Gaslamp Killer a través de los enlaces en nuestro sitio web, es posible que recibamos una comisión.


Acerca de The Gaslamp Killer

The Gaslamp Killer, born William Benjamin Bensussen in San Diego, is an LA-based DJ renowned for his blend of psychedelia, world music, dubstep, and hip-hop. Known for his role at Low End Theory, he's linked with Brainfeeder Records, and he's collaborated with artists like Flying Lotus and Daedelus. Notable works include the albums "Breakthrough" and "Instrumentalepathy."

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Último Setlist

The Gaslamp Killer el 29 Mar, 2024 (Fuente)

Sayers Club, Los Angeles, United States

  • Nissim
  • Orgasm
  • Mountain Song
  • Jane Says
  • Agua
  • Pets

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