
By:Larm 2024 in Oslo,

Sep 12, 2024  ·  By:Larm By:Larm

Sep 12
Past Concert

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Snelle, a Dutch singer-songrapper from the Netherlands, gained fame with the hit 'Reünie' in 2019. His album 'Vierentwintig' went Gold in 24 hours. In 2020, he released 'Smoorverliefd' and the #1 hit '17 Miljoen Mensen' with Davina Michelle. He became Spotify's most-streamed Dutch artist and won the Top 40 Award for Best Artist. His album 'Lars' topped charts, and he scored a hit with 'Blijven Slapen' with Maan, winning both a Top 40 and Edison Award. His documentary 'Zonder Jas Naar Buiten' is on Netflix. He sold out AFAS Live and theater tours in 2022 and performed at Go Ahead Eagles' stadium.
Unge Obi, a rapper from Oslo, has made a mark on the Norwegian rap scene, winning awards for his rap skills. He's recognized for his unique style.
Still House Plants is an experimental British rock trio from Glasgow known for their sparse sound and evocative style. They gained acclaim with the LP "If I Don’t Make It, I Love U" in 2024. The band, comprising Jess Hickie-Kallenbach, Finlay Clark, and David Kennedy, met at Glasgow’s School of Art in 2013. Their music blends warping vocals, fractured guitar lines, and insistent drum patterns, gaining critical attention for releases like "Assemblages" and "Fast Edit."
Charlie Skien, født som Andreas, er en norsk musiker kjent for sitt indie-trap-sound med catchy refrenger og en sexy boblestemme. Han har sluppet syv singler og en EP, samt debutalbumet "Det Gjør Ikke Vondt," som preges av rockete, sårbare tekster om personlig kamp og håp. Hylles for sine dypt personlige tekster og brutale produksjoner.
Norwegian sleaze rock band, The Cruel Intentions, founded in 2015 by Mats Wernerson, Lizzy DeVine, and co., channels Guns ‘N Roses and Mötley Crue with fast-paced, humorous tracks. Lizzy formerly led Vains of Jenna, featured on shows like Jackass and Viva La Bam, shaping their unapologetic rock style.
Norwegian artist Signe Dø blends artpop, electroacoustic music, and singer-songwriter styles. Her debut, *Gi Meg Månen*, acclaimed by GAFFA and more, earned her by:Larm’s NOPA-grant.
PUNCHBAG, a dynamic brother-sister duo from South London, blends punk's raw energy with pop's ecstasy, creating cathartic alternative-pop that tackles today's tough realities.

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