Roxane Bruneau

Roxane Bruneau concerti 2024

2 prossimi concerti

Non perderti il prossimo concerto di Roxane Bruneau. Iscriviti a Concerts50 per seguire gli artisti e ricevere avvisi su nuovi tour e concerti vicino a te.
Roxane Bruneau
Roxane Bruneau
Non perderti il prossimo concerto di Roxane Bruneau. Iscriviti a Concerts50 per seguire gli artisti e ricevere avvisi su nuovi tour e concerti vicino a te.

Prossimi concerti (2)

Ven, 8:00 PM
20 Dic
Théâtre Manuvie - Brossard, QC
Sab, 8:00 PM
21 Dic
Théâtre Manuvie - Brossard, QC
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Informazioni su Roxane Bruneau

Roxane Bruneau, acclaimed Québécoise singer, shines with hits like "Des p’tits bouts de toi" and "À ma manière." Her albums, both certified GOLD, earned her multiple Félix awards including Song and Female Artist of the Year at ADISQ. Known for her distinctive style and record-setting song streaks in the Top 100 BDS, she's a standout on digital platforms with over 85 million streams.

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