15 Giu, 2023 · Wenonah Park at World Friendship Shell Wenonah Park at World Friendship Shell
Alexandra Kay
44 concerti
<p>Independent country artist <strong>Alexandra Kay</strong> is taking her <strong>Cupid’s A Cowgirl Tour </strong>across North America and Europe in 2025, with 53 gigs currently lined up from February 23rd to June 20th.</p> <p>First, Alexandra will be playing 31 concerts across the US and Canada this spring, supported by <a href="/artists/logan-crosby-tour-dates">Logan Crosby</a>. Some top cities include Houston, Denver, Salt Lake City, Seattle and Vancouver. The North American tour will end with a performance at Stagecoach Festival 2025 on April 27th, headlined by Zach Bryan, Jelly Roll, Luke Combs and T-Pain.</p> <p>From May 4th to May 29th, Alexandra will play 20 European shows across Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Ireland and the UK, before wrapping up the tour with one final US show in Maryland on June 20th.</p> <p>The Alexandra Kay tour 2025 follows the release of her debut album, “<a href="https://open.spotify.com/album/7uaGO5JlgaqeRyjTQaotsE" target="_blank" rel="noopener">All I’ve Ever Known</a>” and latest single, “<a href="https://open.spotify.com/album/2dt9s6lrC6C6m7omR6ElIi" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Leave The Light On</a>” with Jelly Roll, featured in the 2024 movie Twisters.</p> <p>Additional dates may still be announced — just hit the Track Artist button above to receive instant Alexandra Kay concert updates!</p> <p>Get your concert tickets now, before they sell out!</p>
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156 concerti
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