25 Mag, 2023 · Monterey Fairgrounds Monterey Fairgrounds
Subatomic Sound System
1 concerto
7 concerti
Michael Franti & Spearhead
11 concerti
3 concerti
8 concerti
Michael Franti
4 concerti
Thievery Corporation
California Roots Festival
2 concerti
<p>Hip hop duo <strong>Atmosphere</strong>, consisting of rapper Slug and DJ Ant, is all set to embark on their <strong>Imagine the Fun Tour</strong> in 2025. The tour will begin on January 11 and go through 25 cities before coming to a close on February 16. The duo will make stops in important cities such as Sacramento, San Antonio, Pittsburgh, Portland, and Brooklyn.</p> <p>Atmosphere will also make a couple of festival appearances, one at the Cali Roots Festival in Monterey, CA, and the other at Reggae Rise Up in St. Petersburg, FL.</p> <p>This Atmosphere Tour is to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their 2005 album <a href="https://open.spotify.com/album/5o6bJIT6Ks4uNIDkFrQ3Jp" target="_blank" rel="noopener">You Can’t Imagine How Much Fun We’re Having</a>. It also aims to recreate the 2000’s nostalgia, with the old crew from that era <a href="/artists/sage-francis-tour-dates">Sage Francis</a> and <a href="/artists/mr-dibbs-tour-dates">Mr.Dibbs</a> joining in.</p> <p>“I’m thrilled to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of You Can’t Imagine How Fun We’re Having. I had no idea that we would still be here to enjoy this moment.” – Slug</p> <p>Imagine the fun you’ll have on this tour – get your tickets asap and go see this hip-hop duo for a dose of nostalgia.</p>
5 concerti
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