4 Ago, 2023 · Oregon Jamboree Music Festival Oregon Jamboree Music Festival
Lynyrd Skynyrd
41 concerti
Warren Zeiders
40 concerti
Jackson Michelson
1 concerto
Ashley McBryde
16 concerti
<p><strong>Warren Zeider’s Relapse Tour</strong> will be heading across Europe and the US next year, with concerts scheduled in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and the UK, alongside a bulk of North American shows. But before heading out on tour, Warren will be joining <a href="/artists/jelly-roll-tour-dates">Jelly Roll</a> on his <strong>Beautifully Broken Tour</strong>, with four dates from October 23rd to the 27th 2024, followed by some one-off shows at WBEE Guitars and Stars and 100.7 Hometown Holiday, performing alongside other top artists. He’ll also be playig at the KSON CountryFest in March 2025.</p> <p>35 concerts are currently scheduled for Warren’s Relapse Tour (taking place from January 24th to May 17th 2024, some top US cities including Buffalo, Indianapolis, Boston, Charlotte, Oklahoma City, San Diego and Nashville. <a href="/artists/tyler-braden-tour-dates">Tyler Braden</a> will be supporting Warren Zeiders on his North American tour dates. This tour follows the release of Warren’s latest album, “<a href="https://music.apple.com/us/album/relapse/1755559972" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Relapse</a>,” released in August 2024. Additional concerts may still be announced, but with an already-packed schedule, this may be unlikely. VIP tickets are unavailable for the Warren Zeiders tour 2025.</p> <p>Get yout tickets now!</p>
2 concerti
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