
Musik i Gentofte with Blaest (DK), ICEKIID, and more

Jul 26, 2025  ·  Gentofte Sportspark, Gentofte Gentofte Sportspark, Gentofte

Musik i Gentofte
Jul 26
Musik i Gentofte

Musik i Gentofte Tickets

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Hip-hop duo Nik & Jay from Værløse, Denmark, energized the local rap scene with hits like "Hot." Known for themes of luxury, their debut won Best Newcomer at the 2003 Danish Music Awards. They consistently topped charts and maintained popularity with singles like "Pige" and "Boing."
Danish artist ICEKIID, known for hits like "ErruDumEllaHvad," boasts multi-platinum singles and over 100M Spotify streams. His work topped Danish charts and featured on FIFA 21's soundtrack.
Danish artist Malte writes songs in English and Danish, covering themes from friendship to love and seasons, including a tribute to the Queen. Known for heartfelt storytelling through music.
Danish artist Jada captivates with her honest style and genre-defying music. Known for "Nudes" and her debut album "I Cry A Lot," she's won 14 major Danish awards.
JUNG, formed by Swedish brothers Tom and Henrik Ljungqvist, creates modern pop with folk, dance, and R&B influences. Known for hits like “Wasteland” and “Let Him Go,” they've amassed 170 million+ streams and released their debut album "Dreamers" in 2019. Their music radiates hope and light, inspired by both personal and imagined experiences.

Concert Info

Genre: Classical

Join the Musik i Gentofte concert in Gentofte at Gentofte Sportspark on Saturday, July 26, 2025, at 12:00 AM, featuring Blaest (DK), ICEKIID, and more. Get your tickets!


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