Concerts in North Carolina 2024-2025 - Page 31


Upcoming Concerts (1164)

Trending North Carolina Concerts

The state of North Carolina has a rich tradition of old-time classical music. Over the years, different music scenes have emerged from the state. The rock genre, first introduced in the 1950s, has evolved and blended beautifully with country and gospel, offering a mix of both old and new. The emotional and familial connections between artists and music lovers are especially strong at concerts in North Carolina. In addition to the previously mentioned genres, hip-hop, reggae, and others also take center stage, particularly at concerts in the state.

Some Venues You Should Visit

With a record that other musical states can only envy, the numerous music venues in this state have made tremendous contributions.

The PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte, NC, is an outdoor venue. Consider Middle C Jazz, Neighborhood Theatre, and The Fillmore as well.

Many upcoming shows are lined up for this year at the Red Hat Amphitheater, The Lincoln Theatre, and The Ritz in Raleigh, NC.

Additionally, Grey Eagle and The Orange Peel in Asheville are popular concert venues worth visiting.

Find North Carolina Concert Tickets

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