Stadionstraße 12, 3300 Amstetten, Austria
The opening times must be changed if events are held in the ice rink! Because otherwise a lot of people go there and then the ice rink is closed and nobody can get in at the times actually listed - a lot of children also cried about it and we think that something like that is not appropriate and if you are a public ice rink you should at least list events online , so that you don't go there at these times completely unnecessarily! Thanks!
My son and I were there for the first time today. The lady at the cash desk was very friendly and helpful! The penguins for the children to learn to ice skate are great and so is the ice rink. We'd love to come back!
Like it used to be over 20 years ago. I've been there for years and I have to say that absolutely nothing has changed except the entrance fees. 😬 Even the drinks machine is the same as before. Conclusion: the ice rink is great for a family outing. The prices then probably not. I don't think it's justified in any way.
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