Fri, 7:00 PM
Apr 11
Edmonton EXPO Centre - Edmonton, AB
Wed, 7:30 PM
Mar 26
Edmonton EXPO Centre - Edmonton, AB
Fri, 8:00 PM
Mar 28
Edmonton EXPO Centre - Edmonton, AB
Sat, 8:30 PM
May 10
Edmonton EXPO Centre - Edmonton, AB

Venue Info

Edmonton EXPO Centre Reviews

Went to Juarassic Quest with my sister and my nephews! They had the best time ever seeing dinosaurs and playing in the bouncy dinosaur castle thing. Their favorite "ride" was an area that they are allowed to run back and forth in, kinda like when kids open a present and just play with the box. But they had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed the stationary dino rides and the craft making area as well as face painting. The dinosaur show was a bit too real for them, and they were scared to watch after waiting eagerly for the show to start, but I was brave and petted the dinosaur right on the face. It felt like petting a horse's nose and wasn't scary at all, so I guess I'm braver than my little nephews for once in my life even though I'm still scared of the dark😔.


It wasn’t bad went for Disney immersive animation get there early if possible there are only a few seats which fit two people also it is an hour so bring a snack or two and a drink.


I love all of the different events, shows, and markets that the EXPO Centre can host. There is plenty of parking in the large lots surrounding the centre - although you always have to pay at minimum $15 to park a car, depending on the event. They generally have staff to help direct traffic flow for parking, ahead of the start times for large events. You get a ticket from the toll-booth machines when you enter the lot, which you use to pay for parking at a self-serve machine once you get inside. There are several washrooms and concession areas to purchase food in the large main hallway area. When you go to the hall that your event is located in, the staff scan your digital (or printed off) tickets and then usually stamp your hand so that you can have in/out privileges. If you are seeing a show/event in the hall with seating, it has average leg room (more than the upper seating at Rogers Place) and the armrests go up & down - which is an amazing accessibility option! And they also have handicap/wheelchair designated spots as well. The centre is spacious, bright, and clean.


Went to the Disney Immersive Animation show and it was wonderful. Enjoyed by adults and children. Children were free to dance to the music and enjoy themselves. The Expo centre was busy with a cheerleading competition but parking was handled well and everything ran smoothly.


Checked out the Metro High School Basketball Championships at the Flair Airlines Hangar, staff are friendly and great venue.


Venues Near Edmonton EXPO Centre