
Venue Info

Parkovací dům O2 areny Parkovací dům O2 areny

+420 606 079 154

Parkovací dům O2 areny Reviews

Spacious! Get you parking pass with event tickets


Parking was well organized, after the concert we got out in 10 minutes or so. We bought a parking together with our tickets for a discount price (200 CZK flat rate instead of 50 CZK per hour)


Who projected this parking? Absolutely horrible. You have to wait for a really long time to get out. There is a crosswalk just after the gates, so cars have to wait. You have to pay 200czk only cash and only 100czk and 200czk bills, no cards.


Waiting in a Jam for hours (we didnt even moved a meter). The organisation couldnt be worse. Impossible..


To get out after concert is impossible. We are staying still for an hour already. Not single car moved.
