
Venue Info


A nice old gray stone church that has undergone changes over the centuries. I recommend that you don't stop by to see it


Hauho's old elegant church. In the cemetery, a fine memorial to those who fell in the war for the fatherland. In the cemetery, there is also a very elegant row of tombstones for those who fell in the spear. The church belongs to the same Old Railway attraction area as those old houses, Vohenharju näkätower and the Hauho museum, so here are pictures of the church's surroundings. It's good that such a great old area has been preserved.


A fine medieval stone church in Häme. We didn't get to visit the inside this time, but the outside is also quite impressive and worth a visit.


According to a local resident, Hauho is very active in the fields of culture and civilization. Sights from the old days and the famous Juice's Hauho song "the tower that messed up the group's head"


The fine old stone church is worth a visit.
