Mon, 20:00
May 5
Berliner Ensemble - Berlin, Germany
Sun, 19:00
Apr 13
Berliner Ensemble - Berlin, Germany
Tue, 20:00
Apr 15
Berliner Ensemble - Berlin, Germany
Wed, 19:30
Apr 16
Berliner Ensemble - Berlin, Germany
Thu, 19:30
Apr 17
Berliner Ensemble - Berlin, Germany
Thu, 20:00
Apr 17
Berliner Ensemble - Berlin, Germany

Venue Info

Berliner Ensemble Reviews

Absolutely beautiful architecture, the ceiling is magnificent and the statues and just general design leave me swooning. I went to see the 1984 show, though it was in German. The seats in the Theater were so comfortable I fell asleep. The show itself was also amazing.


Just had the pleasure and privilege to see Tin Drum (13.4.24) in this beautiful venue. A remarkable adaptation of a wonderful novel and performed by one man. STUNNING


I personally really like this place and its performances but since it is a theatre house, I would also review it on its ticket service. I personally found it is a little bit problematic when I purchase on their website. For example, I checked its released schedule at the beginning of December for January, and if I checked the schedule some days later, some plays (such as Dreigroschenoper) appeared as sold-out for January but they were not on the plan when I checked the schedule previously (not substitute plays). I do not know how they organised their ticket preview. The information on their website is also confusing, you may see "Ausverkauft, ggf. Restkarte an der Abendkasse" which I may give a try there if one show is sold-out as in other performing houses, but I was told that the information was misleading and it doesn't mean you have any chance to get a remained ticket (such as at Berliner Philharmonie). Otherwise the theatre is just beautiful but the seats are so narrow and the gradients are not good enough for people sitting behind to clearly see the stage.


People always say that Berlin is a cultural city. This is completely true! It was an impressive experience to have a guided tour though the Berliner Ensemble. The tour is in English and it is well-designed. One of the highlights during my trip to Berlin. Highly recommended for this hidden gem.


Exil was wonderfully produced! I was super impressed by the direction and staging which embraces the history of the company. As a tourist and theatre student from Canada, getting to see a Brechtian staging by the company he worked with was a real treat. The show was quite long but it absolutely deserved it. The final scenes are heartbreaking and touching, and the cast gave a fantastic performance for a Wednesday night! Highly recommend :) For students, the ermäßigt (reduced) €9 rush tickets are a real gem! My Canadian student ID was valid for this.


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