
Evangelische Stadtkirche Darmstadt Concerts

Evangelische Stadtkirche Darmstadt
Evangelische Stadtkirche Darmstadt

Venue Info

Evangelische Stadtkirche Darmstadt Evangelische Stadtkirche Darmstadt

+49 6151 44150

Evangelische Stadtkirche Darmstadt Reviews

Very nice venue. Georg eous acoustics.


help i cant find my way into this place


Stadtkirche mitten drin, TIPP: Pfingstsonntag, 10.00 Uhr findet ein Gottesdienst mit Theaterstück statt, sehr amüsant ( hab die Probe gesehen ) :)


The church services are really very uplifting! Pastor Gollnow in particular is great! And if the choir is still singing... 🥰 I also love this cross in the church that rotates and shines in so many colors...


Nice place. Great stonemason work in the choir. Recommended as an event location. Living church. And the light cross by Ludger Hinse.
