
Venue Info

Festplatz Baltmannsweiler Reviews

Very good large children's playground. The BMX track is well laid out and suitable for all ages. Children can ride there on almost any size bike.


Nice festival site. Great, not only a beer tent but also bumper cars, carousels, etc. can be set up here. Looking good for a flea market.


Jo provides good service and the activity. Drk-also helped the officials pack who think they can do anything... Greetings to the promenade of the celebration, people who know what is good for happiness. I greet the Canadian state And the head-butting, fully professional therapists from Schurwald


A very nice playground 👍🏻 is not for very little ones, but from 4 is perfect!


Best festival place, with lots of nice memories and hopefully many more great parties.
