
Venue Info

U-Bahn Feldstraße Reviews

Such a perfect location and can be such a nice station, if not for the filth and garbage left behind by both commuters and homeless and drug dealers, allowed to sleep and operate there. Another example that neither HVV or DB cares about maintaining some standards for their train stations or show some respect for the clientele/commuters, who pays their salaries through use and ticket sales.


It's a station.




It would actually be a nice subway station, if everything outside wasn't so dirty... There are trash cans there, but there's paper everywhere, beer cans roll in front of your feet and there's an unpleasant smell there. But there is always a hustle and bustle there, especially when the cathedral is here. But the platform is quite clean.


A subway station like a big promise. It's like your best friend's big brother taking you to a party for the first time. It could be great.
