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Pfeffermühle Reviews

We had a wonderful evening in a traditional political cabaret. Great humor, wonderfully interpreted, fingers in the wound without going below the belt. The mirror has been held up to us again and again. Great house, great performance, wonderful ensemble. (In Labor Gaudi).


Wir waren kurzfristig im Programm „Reizhals“. Wir geben zu: In erster Linie sind wir natürlich wegen des Hamburger Matadors, Herrn Kober gekommen. Wir haben uns gefreut, ihn nun endlich auch mal auf einer Leipziger Bühne life sehen zu können. Und er hat wieder einmal bewiesen, dass er von der Bühne eben nicht weggehen sollte! So viel Wandelbarkeit! Alleine dafür hat es sich schon gelohnt. Das Programm ist sehr abwechslungsreich und bietet eine hervorragende Mischung aus spitzen, unangenehmen Themen, wie Krieg und Korruption, aber auch leichteren Sketchen, welche dafür sorgen, dass man aus den „Schwierigen Themen“ wieder abgeholt wird, und dass man an der Welt nicht verzweifeln muss. So muss ein solcher Abend sein! sehr kurzweiliger und lustig! …wir kommen auf jeden Fall wieder!


Went to the “Rizhals” program at the Pfeffermühle today. Unfortunately we were disappointed! The program babbled along, unfortunately there were no clear punchlines. The individual parts of the program were too long. The whole thing seemed outdated, lacking any bite and no connection to current events. We are used to different things. A pity!!!


I had a very entertaining and entertaining evening with my wife in the Pfeffermühle with the piece of Irritable Neck. The number of viewers should not determine how good or bad you think a piece is. You can laugh even when others don't. And everyone is fortunately free to have their own opinion, even if it doesn't correspond to the general current narrative. In any case, we were able to laugh heartily. The individual sketches range through a very wide range of topics, which brilliantly reflect the absurdities of our time, and you find yourself laughing, even though the content is sometimes bitter and macabre. They are also more relevant than ever. For me this is cabaret. A long standing applause at the end. Rightly so! We will be back! Thank you!


Imagine it's a cabaret and no one goes! I visited the Pfeffermühle with my son again after well over 40 years and unfortunately had to realize that the small audience (about only a third of the seats were occupied) on a Friday evening reflected the low level of the program. “Cabaret is socially critical, comically entertaining and/or artistic and aesthetic in its motivation,” Wikipedia quotes from a specialist book from 1993. However, the program “Reizhals” is at most “comically” entertaining in a comedic way and had little to do with cabaret do. There was shockingly little laughter in the small audience. The pepper mill has lost its sharpness from GDR times, despite the dictatorially prescribed attitude at the time, under today's constitutionally guaranteed freedom of expression. That's the only really strange thing about the evening and it's absolutely not worth the hefty 35 euros charged for a ticket. In one episode of the program, a “real estate shark” appeared who wanted to buy the entire store and convert it into small, expensively rented apartments for a profit. The pepper mill has to be careful that this doesn't soon become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
