
Venue Info

St. Thomas Church St. Thomas Church

+49 341 22224100

St. Thomas Church Reviews

There is nothing to say about this church that is so filled with history other than to say that whether interested in religious history, music history, church services this is a place you should make every effort to visit. Whether paying homage to Bach, worshipping, examining the instruments in the church’s collection, or simply stopping by to admire the church where Martin Luther worshipped and delivered his proclamation this is a place well worth visiting.


You must visit Thomaskirche if you are visiting Leipzig, the city of music. You get many info about Johann Sebastian Bach, who is well known for the famous orchestral music.


St. Thomas Kirche/Church Leipzig One of the must see attractions while in Leipzig, is the St. Thomas Church, originally build in 1212, modified to the Gothic Look around the 15th century, it’s quite an amazing structure loaded with historic happenings. Martin Luther preacher here in 1539, and the Choir (in existence since 1212) has become a preeminent location for the Protestant Faith. Johan Sebastian Bach, one of the most famous composers and musicians of all time, directed the Choir from 1723 to 1750. Unfortunately I was not able to listen in to the choir, but one can close the eyes and just imagine one of Bach’s famous organ recitals and the choir performing, this must have been a massively magical moment in time! Enjoy this little pictorial! 🙏🏻 #germany #traveladventures #drivingholidays #leipzig #stthomas #stthomaskircheleipzig #stthomaschurchleipzig #johannsebastianbach


This was a wonderful place to visit. The church where Bach worked and played music for many years. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful old instruments in the little museum inside the church as well as visiting Bach's final resting place. We were lucky enough to get to hear the orchestra practicing while we were there, the music was so beautiful and you could almost hear history come alive.


Johann Sebastian Bach worked here for twenty-seven years and was buried. Already seems closer to the great composer
