Kimitsu Bunka Hall Concerts


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Venue Info

Kimitsu Bunka Hall

622 Minō, Kimitsu, Chiba 299-1172, Japan

+81 439-55-3300

Kimitsu Bunka Hall Reviews



Nice and cool place


キレイなホールでした。 エレベーター、エスカレーターが無いので足の悪い方は後方席、2階席だと移動が厳しいかもしれません。 駅からのバスの本数が少ないです。 イベントによって、夜間君津駅までの臨時バスが出ることもあるようですが、かなり混雑します。 駅までならタクシーを利用する方が早いと思います。


コンサートで初訪問 何もないところにホールだけがある。 夕方のイベントだったので夕飯はたくさん来ていたケータリングカーからチョイス カレーっぽいけどインドじゃなくてネパール料理だそう。 優しい味で食べやすくて美味しかった


Does your wife notice that you're depressed and won't go to the concert with you? He invited me. I wasn't interested in a piano concert, but I thought the hour-long drive would be a nice way to relax, so I went with my dog ​​and my wife. At this venue, there was a famous Matsumoto piano, and this was the piano concert. My wife thought it was a great concert and was satisfied. There was a large parking lot and an observation deck on the second floor, which is unusual for a concert hall. The view of the mountains was similar to that of a university, and it had a different feel to Chiba than the image of a seaside town. The restrooms had unusually chic light bulb colors, and the smoking area was located in a location that was considerate for non-smokers. There was an exhibition of carved wooden animals in the lobby next to the office, and I thought it was a center of art.
