Fri, 18:30
Mar 28
Rising Hall - Yamaguchi, Japan
Sat, 17:00
Mar 29
Rising Hall - Yamaguchi, Japan
Sat, 18:00
Apr 19
Rising Hall - Yamaguchi, Japan

Venue Info

Rising Hall Reviews

基本的にライブハウスって言う感じです。 ワンドリンク制で店側から600円請求されます。 ライブハウスに入る人は支払わなければダメです。 酒類、ソフトドリンク10種類以上から選びます。 トイレはわりときれいでした。 階段で4階まで上がったのですが✨今までイベントされたアーティストのサインがたくさん壁に書かれていて、押し探しもいいかと思いました。


It's easy to see the stage There are also seats on the second floor❗


It was nice to be able to watch it close to the stage since it was small. For the 600 yen drink fee, I got orange juice in a plastic bottle of Sangaria, so I thought Nacchan would be better.


It was great because even though I was sitting on the second floor, I could see the artists up close.


Because the stage is high, you can see clearly even in the middle of the hall. Also, the seats on the second floor have reserved seats, so you can enjoy it safely even if you bring children. On this day, I was watching the live performance from the front row, clinging to the guard pipe, and it was a lively and enjoyable show as I was close to the performers.


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