Fri, 12:55 PM
Jul 18
Union Park - Chicago, IL
Sat, 1:00 PM
Jul 19
Union Park - Chicago, IL
Sun, 1:00 PM
Jul 20
Union Park - Chicago, IL
Fri, 12:00 AM
Aug 29
Union Park - Chicago, IL

Venue Info

Union Park Reviews

Pitchfork 2021 was hosted at this park. The concert was fantastic, and the park fulfilled its purposes. There is ample open space, and a plentiful amount of trees that keep the skyline looking lush and green. The downside was the dirt. It was dusty, black, and stuck to you as you walked through the park. You will definitely need to shower after coming here. The grass is all dead, and the straw that remains does get everywhere as well. Overall the park is beautiful to look at, just don't run around too much.


Union Park Chicago! AHHHHHHH! I I've only really been to the park a few times. My most memorable time was when me and the homie Xblivixn went to see Chance the Rapper and Run the Jewels and some others for Pitchfork music festival. HOLY COW! I got way too lit, lost my friends and my wallet and phone and jewelry and almost my shoes and shirt lol ended up finding my friends again when Chance was about to go on stage. Amazing show, crazy times


Very big park in a great location that is great for community gatherings. It can use some upgrades to the baseball fields, playgrounds, and swimming pool. It is easy to get to because it's on a major street artery, and it is right under the Ashland stop for the Green/Pink Line. It could use one more basketball court, and some more upkeep when it comes to concerts and festivals. Parking is very scarce over here so please be patient or take public transportation.


Pretty nice park wedged between two busy streets. More for sports than a quiet stroll. Has tennis and basketball courts, gym and pool, and baseball diamonds. Some garbage scattered about but not too bad. Has a great jungle gym for kids


This place has fun stuff and not as much fun stuff. America likes stuff so that's why I liked it.


Venues Near Union Park