43 upcoming concerts
Genre: Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop/Rap, R&B, French Rap, Urban
Want to see a The Weeknd concert? Currently, 43 scheduled concerts are spread across the USA and Canada. Check out all tour dates, pricing, and show details for upcoming events in our listings. Purchase The Weeknd tickets today!
The Weeknd, a Canadian artist known for his unique blend of R&B, pop, and hip-hop, has earned 3 Grammys and multiple platinum hits. Famous for songs like "Blinding Lights" and "Earned It," he collaborated with Kendrick Lamar and gained recognition with the trilogy including "House of Balloons." He broke records with "After Hours" and became the first to lead the Billboard 200, Hot 100, and Artist 100 simultaneously.
36 concerts
34 concerts
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1 concert
21 concerts
157 concerts
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