Concerts in Connecticut 2024 - Page 10


Upcoming Concerts (360)

Trending Connecticut Concerts

Connecticut has a wealth of attractions, such as the Seaport Museum, Mystic Aquarium, and Peabody Museum of Natural History. Additionally, the state hosts numerous concerts offering a diverse range of music genres. Concerts50 can assist you in finding the perfect concert to attend.

Some Places To See Concerts

The concerts in Connecticut have featured many famous musicians performing at various venues across the state.

Ridgefield, CT, is a popular city where much of the action occurs, including well-known venues like the Ridgefield Playhouse.

Hamden, CT, is another notable city, boasting the popular venue, Space Ballroom.

Additionally, consider visiting College Street Music Hall in New Haven, CT.

You'll find many other venues in different parts of the state.

Find Concerts Tickets

So many concerts are there, so finding the one to go to is no easy business. Concerts50 is there to aid you in the search. We have a comprehensive listing of concerts that are coming up in Connecticut. You can see all the information, such as the concert date, name of the artist, concert venue and so on.
New listings are added every day. Not only that, but we also help you in finding tickets to these shows, by connecting you with our trusted and verified ticketing partners. Everything is secure so you should have no worries.

So don’t wait. Buy tickets now!

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Popular Music Venues in Connecticut